Alive In Us

9th March – 27th April 2024

Alive in Us is a participatory project and living exhibition created by truluck palmer for the Wilson Gallery. It celebrates the vitality and lives of Cheltenham women, past and present.

Co-created by women of all ages, the immersive artwork creates space to explore the relationship between women’s inner lives, bodies, stories, dreams and the natural world, asking – what would you grow in your dream garden?

Take a moment to rest and listen as the gallery space is filled with the sounds of their living conversations.   These are woven together with historic women’s records of the plants they grew their Cheltenham gardens, as discovered in the collections.

Over the course of the exhibition, as winter turns to spring, the textile of these intimate gardens, imagined and seeded by women co-creators from our partner groups across Cheltenham will grow into the gallery space as a living tapestry.

truluck palmer in collaboration with Keir Vine